Nice map

A detailed map of Nice.

Nice, France is a playable city in Driv3r. It contains many different things as you go along, such as the small towns turning into big industrial areas to built-up residential areas. Nice has the smallest map, but is still a very big place.

Pedestrians dress up like tourists with females wearing revealing pink and purple thong bikinis to compliment the beautiful beaches and France's exotic style. Nice has many attractions and Enterable Buildings such as the lighthouse, Nice House, Nice Bar, Glass House and Nice Airport. Nice also has vending tables all over the place.

Compared to Miami's muscle cars and SUVs, Nice's cars are mainly small Hatchbacks and Sedans as well has some vans. The architecture features large town houses and wider roads than Miami the roads are also set out with more curves than Miami's squared streets. The main feature of Nice is the large Airport and the long stretch of road along the beach.
