Timmy Vermicelli is a collectible and an easter egg that can be found hidden in secret locations throughout the three cities – Miami, Nice, and Istanbul.
Timmy Vermicelli is modeled as an average-looking pedestrian, wearing jeans and a floral Hawaiian shirt with pink sneakers. His appearance is supposed to be a parody of GTA Vice City's protagonist, Tommy Vercetti. Timmy has comically oversized hands, as well as two inflatable water wings wrapped around his upper arms, poking fun at the fact that Tommy Vercetti was unable to swim in GTA Vice City.
If approached, all Timmies will take out machine guns and immediately shoot at the player unprovoked. The player must take cover quickly, as only a few shots from the machine gun can kill him. If the player acts quickly enough, he will be able to kill Timmy, although this is slightly difficult as he has a higher health than other pedestrians. If the player tries running away, Timmy may follow him, but only for a short distance. He will also attack Police, enough time for you to shoot behind him.
The Miami map of Timmies.
There are ten Timmies in each city. Kill all of them in Miami will grant the player the 18 Wheeler Havoc Mode. Furthermore, killing all ten Timmies in Nice will cause all pedestrians to carry weapons. Finally, killing all the Timmies in Istanbul will grant you the ability to damage cars without also damaging your own car.
If you sneak up on a Timmy and kill him, you can take his gun and the game will always save the gun for you.
Timmy is very powerful and can easily kill you if you aren't quick enough. As he has a lot of health, it is best to try killing him from behind, or anytime he can't see you. The game will count every Timmy you kill.
As stated above, Timmy is a humorous parody of the main character of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Tommy Vercetti. Timmy wears water-wings as a reference to the fact that you cannot swim in Vice City. He is most likely a response to the killing of Tanner who "walked like a girl" in Grand Theft Auto III.
Timmy in Miami[]
The Gold Coast Hotel Timmy Vermicelli.
Timmy is in the Gold Coast Hotel. Have you played the fourth mission, "Rooftops"? Go there to find the Timmy. If you have not played "Rooftops" yet, choose the starting point near the Miami House. When you begin, exit out of the neighborhood and turn left. Follow the road until you get to the highway. Follow it until the road ends. Turn right and turn into an alley near a large building. Enter the blue doors and go all the way up the stairs. Enter the door at the top. The will be another door. Enter it. Find your way to the stairs. Go down them, and up the other set of stairs. Enter the small building on top of the building. You'll enter a room with an elevator. Go near the elevator's switch to open it. Inside is Timmy.
The Timmy in the backyard of the neighbor's house.
This Timmy is in the neighbor's backyard (which is in front of the Miami House). Start at the starting point near the Miami House. Get out of the car and go to the house in front of you. Enter through the driveway and walk to the right side of the lawn. Go through the pathway to reach the backyard. Standing at the back of the yard is Timmy Vermicelli.
The Timmy in one of the Stiltsville houses.
This Timmy is in Stiltsville, the neighborhood in the ocean near the Miami writing on the map. When you begin the game, choose the starting point at the Miami House, but choose a boat and head straight. Shortly after taking off, you shall see four houses on stilts in the water. Go to the first house and stop, then go onto the deck and run up the stairs. Enter the door at the top and go up more stairs.
Tanner near the Timmy of the house near the Draw Bridge.
Timmy is near the Draw Bridge of Miami. Start at the point closest to the bridge, which is in downtown. Turn right and then turn left when you reach the end. Keep driving straight until you reach an intersection with a large building in front. Turn right. Drive straight to the Draw Bridge and past it. As soon as you get over it, find some fences directly to the right of you. Knock them down and turn right. When you pass the next house, stop. The house should have an opening. On a high ledge is a Timmy. Note that this Timmy cannot be reached, because the ledge is too high. You'll have to shoot him.
Tanner near the Timmy of the garage. Just go inside to find the Timmy.
This Timmy is in a garage near the river downtown. Choose the downtown starting point. When you begin, make a U-turn. Drive straight until you reach a bridge (a Draw Bridge that you cannot activate). Before the bridge is a pathway right. Enter it and turn right again, then turn right one more time through a hole in a black brick wall. Turn left to find some brick buildings. Between some of the buildings is an opened garage. Timmy is in the corner.
Tanner near the Timmy of the AI garage.
This Timmy is in an AI garage in Coconut Grove. Choose the closest starting point near Coconut Grove. When you begin, make a U-turn. Drive all the way until you reach the four-square streets of Coconut Grove. By taking the inner vertical road up, you shall see a ramp leading to a garage. Go up it to find an AI garage. When you near it, it will open up. Inside is Timmy.
Tanner near the Timmy of the secret car.
This Timmy is in Coral Gables. The steps for this Timmy are very complicated so follow instructions carefully. Choose the downtown starting point. When you begin, make a U-turn and turn right at the first intersection. Drive past the Blue MotelSafehouse and turn left at the next traffic light. Then turn right at the next traffic light. As you proceed, you should eventually Coral Gables with curved roads. Go there. Go to the very end of the neighborhood, you will find the large Biltmore Hotel. Instead of going to it, turn right. You shall see the grass going upward. Follow it to where it ends and turn left. You will find an underground, cave-like part. Drive through it. You will end up in an area surrounded by buildings. Go up the stairs and follow the pathway. You will eventually enter the Gate Switch part. Go through it to enter a room. Timmy is here.
Tanner shooting the Timmy of the Orange Bowl Stadium.
This Timmy is at the Orange Bowl Stadium. To get to Timmy, follow the #7 Timmy steps. This time, go past Coral Gables and enter Little Havana. Find a gate opening to enter the stadium's parking lot. Go up one of the ramps and turn left. Follow the path to where it ends. Notice the opening of this opening is bigger than others. Inside, behind a fallen-down SoBe machine, is Timmy.
Tanner aiming at the Timmy behind the Blue Motel.
This Timmy is behind the Blue Motel, but not so close behind. Choose the downtown starting point. When you begin, make a U-turn and turn right at the intersection. Follow the road and turn right where it ends. Just before the motel is a road on your right. Turn right and follow it. You shall find another intersection with the right part blocked. Turn left. Go down until you see a building on your right. Near the building is Timmy. Because the building is quite a distance from the road, Timmy can't see you; you must shoot him for him to see you.
Tanner aiming at the Timmy at Tico's Yard.
Timmy is in Tico's Yard. Have you played the Miami mission "Impress Lomaz"? Go there to where the beggining of that mission took place. If you have not played the mission yet, choose the downtown starting point. Make a U-turn and turn right at the intersection. Where the road ends, you shall see a fenced area. Drive over the fences and turn right. Then turn left on a small, narrow road. You will pass a building. Timmy is on top of this building, and will shoot at you. This Timmy can be reached if he falls down when he dies. You can then collect his M-16 rifle.
Timmies in Nice[]
The Nice Map of Timmies. Like with other maps, use this to find the Timmies.
Tanner near the building where the #1 Timmy is located. Just go up the stairs and kill the Timmy inside.
This Timmy is at the end of the highway, inside a building on a narrow road. There are two ways to reach him. The first one, choose the starting point farthest left. When you begin, take the main road (the road that is near the ocean) and follow it. You should end up on a highway. Follow it until you make a curve and find a traffic light. Turn left and stop just behind the underpass. Run on the grass until you see a building with an opening. Inside is Timmy.
You can also go under the underpass and turn left. You can then turn left again and go straight until you cross over the highway and on a narrow road. On your left is the same building with an opening in between two gates. Many garbage dumpsters and bags are here. Run up the stairs and kill Timmy inside.
Tanner just below the Tower. See how long that ladder is! However climb it and kill the Timmy at the top.
This Timmy is on the tower at the Nice Airport. Choose the farthest left starting point and turn right on the main road (the road near the ocean). Follow it until it forms into the highway. Before you get to the highway take the road on your left which is across the Glass House. Turn on the second road you pass on your left. Be careful because an Abyss is nearby. You will see the tower. Approach it. There is a ladder up. Climb up the ladder. This will take a while, but there is no other way up... unless you aim at the tower, and shoot when your target turns red (see Aiming). At the top, kill Timmy.
Tanner finding the Timmy on behind the boulder.
This Timmy is on a beach that is very close to a glitchy area (the unknown paths are already glitchy). The Timmy's area can only be accessed by a Boat. Choose a boat and start at the farthest left starting point near the airport. When you begin, go straight and follow the water. As you pass the highway, the sides of you will start getting glitchy. There is land near a curve right. Do not go on the land; going on it brings you into a mess of glitches from the Abyss to faint and appearing/disappearing obstacles . After the curve right, you will find some large boulders on the rocks. Behind the second boulder is a Timmy, who will start shooting at you. The path still goes on. At the end, is a very glitchy, unaccessible area with a mountain that constantly appears and disappears.
Tanner near the Timmy of the church.
This Timmy is located near a church. Choose the farthest left starting point. When you begin, go straight and turn right at the second intersection under the highway. Turn left at the second intersection. To your left is an opening near a large, colorful building. To the right of the building is a Timmy. He can't see you because the church is quite a distance.
Tanner in the alley behind the building the Timmy is in.
This Timmy is in a door in a building on the main road (the road near the ocean). There are three ways to reach him. Choose the farthest left starting point. Make a U-turn like you would with other Timmidx that must be reached via the main road, and turn left. Then turn right at the intersection. Turn left at the next intersection. Go straight until you reached a part with on your left with narrow roads, a ramp leading to the top of buildings and more. Go to the opposite side of this part and run left. You will eventually find a four-doored building. One door will open. Inside is a Timmy.
You can also take the first ramp up to the the top of the buildings. After a small drop, your vehicle will land on a wooden roof. The roof will break, leading you inside the Timmy's area. You can also go past the first ramp and turn right into an alley. When the buildings on your right split, go through the opening and out on the road. Then enter the door, and kill Timmy.
Tanner aiming at the Timmy in the gazebo.
This Timmy is near Mont Boron. Choose the farthest left starting point. Follow the instructions for the #5 Timmy. However, go past his, area and follow the street. When you pass the #5 Timmy, start going on the left lane (where cars are now incoming). Dodge the cars until you find a narrow path going up across from the Nice Lighthouse. Follow the path up until you see a blue gazebo. Inside is a Timmy. Kill him.
Tanner aiming at the Timmy on top of the Nice Lighthouse.
This Timmy is on top of the Nice Lighthouse. Choose the farthest left starting point. Follow the #5 Timmy steps. Go past the #5 Timmy. Shortly after, on your right, you shall find a very wide part of asphalt land near the port. Follow the path. It will narrow. On top of the Lighthouse is a Timmy. Kill him. It is best to not climb the top of the Lighthouse, for he may most likely kill you, so kill him by aiming at him on the ground. If you have the Invincibility Cheat (see Cheats) you don't have to worry. This Timmy, the #5 Timmy, and the #6 Timmy are all near each other so watch what you are doing.
Tanner near the Timmy in the sea cave.
Like the #3 Timmy, this Timmy is also on a beach on water, but this time, in a sea cave. Choose a boat, and pick the starting point farthest right. When you begin, reverse all the way until you see the sea cave. Enter the nearby cave, and kill the Timmy inside. The Timmy cannot see you until you enter the cave.
Tanner aiming at the Timmy in the box.
This Timmy is in a box by a nearby port. Have you played the mission "18 Wheeler"? Do you remember where you got the truck? Go there. If you have not played the mission, choose the farthest right starting point and go to the peninsula on the left side of the area. Down there is a harbor filled with many boats. Safely, get your car down there. Go to the end of the harbor and knock down the fence. Turn right to find a box on the end. Inside is a Timmy. Kill him. The Clark CH-60 forklift is nearby. If you go past this area, you will find a grassy area and a path at a curve. Follow the path until you find a dirt/grass road on your right. Follow it and make a U-turn into a backyard. There is a garage. Right inside is the forklift.
Tanner aiming at the Timmy in the sand dunes.
The last Timmy is in a sand dune area. Choose the farthest right starting point. When you begin, make a U-turn and go up the ramp-like part slowly (going fast damages the car, and sometimes you may not be able to make it up). At the top, you will fall into a sandy area. There is a rock in front of a large hole of sand. In front of the rock is a Timmy.
Timmies in Istanbul[]
The map of Istanbul Timmies. Use it to help you find the Timmies.
Because this picture does not show everything, find the spot on the map.
This Timmy is on the train yard. Choose the starting point near the highway and Draw Bridges. Drive straight and turn right. Go all the way to near the end of the highway. On your right should be a large opening leading on a grassy area. Broken trains and a hut on stilts are here. Inside the house is a Timmy. Kill him. The 1935 Auburn 851 Speedster is nearby. Go into the building with the trains. Look through some containers. One will open up revealing the car.
Tanner outside the Turkish Bathhouse. All he must do is go inside and down the stairs and kill the Timmy inside the opening of a red-painted wall.
This Timmy is in the Turkish Bathhouse. Choose the starting point near the Draw Bridge and highway. Go straight and turn right on the intersection. Follow the long highway until you pass the word "Sultanhamet". Find a road leading up and turn right. Explore the roads to the left of the word "Sultanhamet" until you find a large, gray building with many windows. Enter through the door and go down the stairs. At the bottom, you will see a red-painted wall with a large opening, that leads into a room. Inside is a Timmy. Kill him.
Tanner in the Safehouse with the Timmy. Either shoot a grenade in the kitchen, or shoot the cabinet and enter the secret door to kill the Timmy.
This Timmy is actually inside your safehouse near Seraglio Point! Choose the starting point near the Draw Bridge and highway. There are two ways to get here. Go straight and turn right onto the highway. Follow the road until you pass the Seraglio Point area. Turn right on the first road on your right. Then turn right onto another road. You will see a red brick building. Enter it. Go up the stairs. Ignore the first door, but go into the second door. You will be in a hallway. Go inside the door in front of you. You will be in a room with your Weapons and four Health Boxes. Go into the kitchen. You can shoot a grenade at the wall. If you're successful, the Timmy will die. If not, shoot the cabinet to your left in the kitchen to reveal a door made of gray brick. Go inside and turn right. There is the Timmy. Kill him. When you begin, you can also turn around and go straight. Then turn left onto the road with the trolley paths. Follow the road until it curves. Take the road going straight and follow it down to the Safehouse.
Tanner in front of the red-roofed building. Go inside and down the stairs. Turn right to find a bar. There is the Timmy.
This Timmy is near the #3 Timmy. Choose the starting point near the Draw Bridge and highway. When you begin, make a U-turn and follow the other route (with the trolley paths). However, when the trolley paths begin to curve, take the curve instead of the straight road. You should come to an intersection with a small, red-roofed building in front. Turn right and enter the building. Go down the stairs to find a very dark, watery chamber. Go right to find a bar. In there is a Timmy. Kill him.
Tanner near the #5 Timmy of the old wooden buildings.
This Timmy is very close to the #4 Timmy. Choose the starting point near the Draw Bridge and highway. When you begin, make a U-turn. Get yourself on the opposite lane where cars are going the opposite direction. Turn right on a road and then left onto a narrow alley. Shoot wooden gates until you find youself on grass with buildings on the same lawn further down. Go towards them to find the Timmy between two wooden buildings. Kill him.
This Timmy is under the Draw Bridge. Choose the starting point near the Draw Bridge and highway. When you begin, go straight and turn left. Turn right at the first traffic light. Go up to the Draw Bridge. Look for the control area (where you can control the bridge). Go past that area and down the stairs. Pull out your gun and walk past the first alley. The second alley on your right has a Timmy. Kill him. You can also jump into the ocean on the Draw Bridge, and swim to the stairs to find the Timmy.
Tanner outside the hut on stilts in the western dock area.
This Timmy is in the western dock area (which is a fat white area on the map). Choose the starting point near the Draw Bridge and highway. Go straight and turn left. Go past the first traffic light, but turn right at the second bridge. Go over the bridge and toward the end of it. Park your car at the side of the bridge near the dock. Jump onto it and jump over the rail. If you are not driving a car, steal it and park it near the dock side of the bridge. Jump onto the car and jump over the rail. You can also go past the bridge, turn left, and find an entrance on your left leading to the docks. Go forward until you see a hut on stilts. Climb up the hut and kill the Timmy inside. Sometimes the Timmy is outside the hut. If this is the case, shoot a grenade under the hut and kill the Timmy. You can also take a boat and drive it to the dock area to get here.
Tanner inside Sopa Inci, Up the stairs is the Timmy, who probably is the manager of this nightclub.
This Timmy is in the Sopa Inci nightclub. Sopa Inci is in a oval-shaped, pinkish area near the top of the map, Start at the easternmost starting point. Find the pink area on the map. Follow the roads up to it until you reach an oval-shaped area with a building playing music. Go inside. As you go inside, a Timmy will immediately start shooting at you. You can go up the stairs and kill him through the circular glass, or go inside the manager's office and kill him. Sopa Inci also has a back door. If you enter the back door, the Timmy will start shooting at you while you go up the stairs. You can then go practice some moves (just a joke).
Tanner aiming at the Timmy on the eastern dock.
This Timmy is in the eastern dock, which is a skinny white area, on the opposite side of the fat, white area on the map. Take the easternmost starting point and turn right. Then turn left on the the highway. Look for a gas station. When you find it, go through it and take the path behind it. Follow it. You will pass some buildings surrounded by wooden fences. If you knock down the fences by a vehicle, the Timmy will, at first, be on the roof of a building. If you shoot the fences, you will find him on the ground. However, kill the Timmy.
Tanner shooting the Timmy at the warehouse near the word "Topkani".
This Timmy is in a warehouse near the word "Topkani". Start at the starting point near the Draw Bridge and highway. Make a U-turn and go the same direction as if going to kill the #4 Timmy. However, pass the building that the #4 Timmy is inside. Follow the trolley tracks to find the road on the map turn blue. Keep going straight until you find another blue road. Turn right onto the second blue road. Pass the first street and turn right on the second, darker black road with the word Topkani between it and another road. Go up until you find a old, brown, wooden, warehouse-like building on your left. Go up its stairs. Inside, at the corner, is a Timmy. Kill him.